Monday, May 24, 2010

Rebel Minis 15mm Modern US Infantry

I managed to make some time to sit down with my Force on Force US Army Platoon Box from Rebel Minis, starting with one of the Infantry packs. If you use the commonly found 9 man/2 fireteam squad organization you will get two full squads plus a few extra riflemen and a pair of Javelin gunners which you can swap in if you are building a Stryker platoon or organize them with the Javelins from the other packs in the 'Box' as a weapons squad. These are definitely the most modern US 'moderns' I've seen, obviously wearing the IOTV body armor system and mounting optics on their carbines.

Above: Just finished fireteam and squad leader, first try at ACU's UCP camo pattern.
Below: QRF Modern US (old range) on left, Rebel Modern US on right

The sculpts are clean, well executed and seem well proportioned; some are quite active and dynamic. Uniform detail is good with major features well defined and even some small details sculpted in (one of the few times I've seen sculpted in seams on the boot panels). Weapons are well sculpted and fairly detailed but seem a little bit large compared to the figures (and are definately a larger than the QRF modern US figures), and some proportions or deatails are a bit off this is particularly appearant with the SAW gunners with their rather long barrels and exaggerated bipod and some of the carbines with their oddly short and sharply angled magazines.

Casting quality is somewhat mixed. While the mold lines on the outward facing surfaces of the figures are minimal, flash and mold lines on inward facing areas like between the legs or between the arms and chest can be quite prominent during painting and are difficult to remove without significant care and some very small tools. The packs I received had almost no bent or transit damaged parts but one or two in the pack I looked at today did have miscast details like the SGT who was missing the front sight post and barrel from his carbine. The metal used in the casting is quite hard but not so much that small adjustments of thin parts will cause damage but it can make cleaning and removing flash difficult.

These miniatures stand out as one of the only 15mm offerings to depict current US infantry kit such as prevalent carbine optics, IOTV body armor, radio headset, MICH helmet etc. If you want current or near future troops these are one of the best non Sci-Fi offerings. Having gotten these has gotten me tempted to pick up some QRF Strykers and some supporting armor for Force on Force.

Below: Rebel Modern US Infantry left, QRF US moderns right

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