Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rebel Minis 15mm Insurgents review

I finally got started on actually doing some OPFOR, starting with Rebel Minis' 15mm Insurgents. These little guys are ready to make your MOUT a whole lot more exciting with four RPGs and 16 AK armed gunmen.

First, When and where are they appropriate? Given their armament of AKs and RPGs there isn't any real technical reason why they can't show up anytime in the last 50-60 years. Their clothing (boots, cargo pants/utility trousers and tee-shirts or tactical shirts topped by a scarf around the head and the classic AK magazine pouches over the chest) poses few limitations either as there have been various rebels, insurgents, reactionaries, terrorists,guerrillas, kidnappers and random pissed off Arabs/Muslims/Christians/Jews, etc running around dressed like that since the 50's all over Europe, Central Asia and North Africa.
The only real shortcomings I can see with this pack is that it lacks light support weapons which are called for in many Ambush Alley! scenarios and the limited number of poses (4: RPG, AK firing, RPK firing, RPK running; the firing RPK and AK figures ar nearly identical except for slight differences in the gun barrels). Otherwise it fills a very important gap in the availability of good insurgents/guerrillas for your 15mm gaming.

Now, Quality check. The figures are rather sturdy and stable. Mold lines do not pose any major issues but you will find yourself spending a lot of time checking for bits of flash in hard to reach places, if your batch is like mine. The poses are a little stiff looking but have a good sense of movement about them. Clothing detail and overall figure proportions are both good while weapon detail is acceptable.
Compatability with other ranges: Their height and proportions fit well with Rebel's other 15mm figures and with QRF's moderns line although if you are going to put the two side by side I would suggest using something to increase the height of the Rebel figures as QRF's integral bases are somewhat thicker.

Conclusions, I have one or two slight misgivings about this set but over all they work well for their intended purpose and getting them as part of one of Rebel's Ambush Alley Battle Boxes makes them a good deal.
I'm somewhat tempted to get another pack and convert some to carry some Al-Quds machine rifles so that these guys will have some support weapons other than RPGs.

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