Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Looking for some help on field organization

So I've decided to try to split my 15mm US moderns into two groups, the Rebel minis will act as a US Army Stryker Rifle Platoon while the QRF US Moderns will form a small USMC unit for slightly earlier work (ie late 90's to ~2005). The HMMWVs will go to the USMC unit while I will probably be ordering the platoon's Strykers once I get my Ambush Alley terrain sorted out.

Here is what I am having trouble with right now though, I have a copy of FM 3-21.11 (SBCT Infantry Rifle Company) which lays out the nominally 'official' TOE for a Stryker platoon but I am having some issues figuring out exactly how the 38 enlisted men and 1 officer of the platoon would fit into a set of transport vehicles with a listed capacity of 36(+1 if the lead vehicle replaces it's commander with the PSG). The field manual suggests that the Company Medic will often not be present but that seems like one of the last men I would want to remove from my unit, I would be more tempted to remove people like the Ammo Bearers from the weapons squad or the FO from the PHQ (Although in Ambush Alley that probably wouldn't actually matter since scenarios don't seem to include the weapons squad most of the time and the MMG team Asset specifies a two man team and I don't see many occasions where I would be mounting the full platoon in their ICVs outside of Force on Force). I am having a similar issue with the USMC squad, how do you fit 9 or 13 men into HMMWVs? Yes, I am aware that HMMWVs are not normally assigned as platoon level assets but the question is IF they are made available.

So what I am looking for is some suggestions (or even better, examples from field operations) as to how these sorts of units are commonly organized in their transport vehicles. Your help is much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Might want to mosey on over to the AAG board and ask them under one of the Orbat threads...

